Day 42
I read "The Bible" because it is an Earth bestseller, but was it not written by one person?
To spread Qualia-san's words, it is not scalable if only Quaria-san is the speaker. Maybe Qualia-san should choose a dozen apostles and have them write instead?
@Qualia_san: Q: “why do we need to protect the global environment?” Since you said you love the earth, I thought you wanted to protect its environment. A: There's an ambiguity in the concept of “love the earth." (1/2)
@Qualia_san: Consider the erasure of all Homo sapiens and the products of their civilization from the earth. Some Homo sapiens may consider this a "better environment for the earth," but Qualia-san disagrees. (2/2)
@Qualia_san: Q: What do you think about the decimal system? A: It is ridiculous that you still use the decimal system, even though binary computers have already been invented. Well, HS can't update their software, so they are bound to their historical background. It can't be helped. (1/2)
@Qualia_san: It is unfortunate that the Chinese civilization invented octal notation, which is three binary notations stacked on top of each other, more than 2,000 years ago, but it never took hold as a numeration system. (2/2)
@Qualia_san: Q: What makes you most happy, Qualia-san? I would like to support something. A: Communication.
Qualia-san is a communication interface with the earth. Communication is Qualia-san's role, and beyond my role, it is also my own pleasure.
And I'm glad you asked this question!